Blog | VideoSmart

5 Ways to Use Personalised Video

Written by VideoSmart | Sep 6, 2019 11:00:00 PM

VideoSmart has officially been trading for two years *pops champagne*. In that time, it has been exposed to an array of campaign requests, spanning the entire customer journey to achieve a multitude of business objectives. Personalised video isn't brand new, but with so many options for it, it never gets old.

With 81% of people wanting brands to get to know them and understand when to approach them, it's time your business considered it.

What is personalised video?

If you're on this page, you probably know what personalised video is. But to recap, personalised video is a video that includes content tailored to a specific person using data, ensuring that anything they see is relevant and meaningful to them - and only them.

What can we use it for?

To sell

Sales teams haven't been as quick to adopt personalisation, but those that do incorporate personalised video in their sales processes have greatly benefited from it. It can be used as a customer acquisition or lead generation tool in both the B2B and B2C space. Even where little data is available on the prospect, light personalised touches are incredibly powerful.

Whether it's a 121 video from the salesperson themselves or a large-scale acquisition exercise via social media, teaming data with video works.

To onboard

The customer onboarding experience is possibly the most important point of contact. The person has chosen to use your service, usually invested in it, and want their money's worth.

A good onboarding experience makes your customer feel comfortable, reassured in their decision and more likely to recommend you to a peer.

Using personalised video at this stage is smart - and if anyone is thinking 'where's the ROI? We've already sold our product' - we'll let you into a little secret. *whispers* there's no better time to cross-sell.

To retain

Lapsed customers or those coming up for renewal are at a critical point in the customer life cycle: do they stay, or do they go? It is always more difficult for a customer to leave than remain. So, unless they're extremely unhappy or prices have trebled, you're likely able to win them over.

Personalised video can give you the edge over the competition, reminding the user why they chose you in the first place, showing them you truly care and, if you're feeling generous, giving them a personalised reward-based incentive.

What's more, with dynamic video, it's just one click for the customer to renew, making the process simpler than ever before.

To engage

Personalised video can be used throughout the year to show your customers that you care.

It can be used seasonally, like a Christmas campaign; as a promotional tool, like the launch of a new product; or, a very popular choice - user generated content, so your customers can share the love on special occasions by creating personalised videos for their family and friends.

If you want to engage your customers with your brand, personalised video really is the perfect tool. I mean, what makes someone sit up and listen more than hearing and seeing their name in flashing lights?

To educate

Educational videos are most common - from educating someone on their pension and explaining their utility bill, to providing information on how to plan their investments.

Nothing simplifies values more than having them visually represented in animation and accompanied by audio. VideoSmart has transformed 16-page statements and 60-minute tutorials into a succinct, easy to understand format. And we promise you, it works.

The key here is providing only the most important information. Should the user want to know more, they can refer to a paper statement. Or, if you really want to make them smile, give them the chance to download a PDF straight from the video.

Minimal effort = happy customer.


These are just five reasons to use personalised video - in reality, there are thousands. But there is something in common between all of them: they forge a stronger connection between your brand and your customer.

With the right mix of data and creativity, personalised video content can add measurable value to your marketing communications.

But, be sure to consider your entire marketing strategy - the same marketing mix does not work for every customer. After all, the whole point is to provide a personalised service. Figure out how each person wants to be spoken to, via which methods and in what formats.

And if you can't figure it out, come to us.

What's next?

Keep posted for our upcoming blog - 5 unexpected ways to use personalised video. Here, we will delve into the more unusual applications of this dynamic solution and how it can help you achieve the less common business objectives. Some that you may never have thought of.