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Interview with Sami Aintaoui, Director at VideoSmart

Written by VideoSmart | Nov 14, 2016 12:00:00 AM

As the Director of VideoSmart, Sami Aintaoui envisages a future in which communications help consumers to clearly understand even the most complex products, which in turn enables businesses to retain their customers for the long haul.

Interview with Sami Aintaoui, Director at VideoSmart

1) What are Personalised Videos?

To make Personalised Videos we take a generic piece of film, which I believe is the most engaging form of media, and then combine it with an end-customer’s data to create content that is tailored specifically to that indvidual.

I like to think of it as a personalised TV advert that goes straight to someone’s mobile device, laptop or desktop.

2) What do Personalised Videos offer to the end customer?

Personalised Videos offer clients audio-visual communication that talks to them in a personable and colloquial manner, a manner in which they are used to communicating in.

Countless applications can benefit from Personalised Videos, making this an incredibly powerful tool, especially in terms of complex products, such as insurance, mortgages or vehicles. For example, the pricing structure for utilities is quite complicated, and so it makes a huge difference to be able to clearly articulate this type of product to customers.

Ultimately, talking to customers in a straightforward way helps them to understand complex information far more easily.

3) With that in mind, what do you think Personalised Videos mean for the future of marketing and advertising?

When communications are more easily understood, you can achieve a frictionless customer journey. So, if I fully understand the product that I am purchasing, I am less likely to start consulting competitor products.

I’m less likely to conduct research via dreaded price comparison websites, and I’m also less likely to call customers services and spend an age waiting for someone to pick up the phone.

And from a business’ perspective, they no longer have to pay for call centres, which is an extremely expensive outlay.

4) How can Personalised Videos improve the relationship that businesses have with their customers?

Personalised Videos can really help to break down the barriers between consumers and companies, changing them from faceless organisations that bombard you with text heavy letters and emails, into entities that talk to you in a personable way and enhance your lifestyle with their products.

This technology can also help to better convey a company’s brand image, thereby distinguishing themselves from their competitors, while communicating to their customers in a current and trendy manner that feels more like a conversation than a monologue of information.

5) What opportunities do you see in terms of CRM systems?

Personalised Videos are directly applicable to CRM systems. In fact, when we were first developing the technology, it was CRM systems that we had in mind, as we can really enhance every touch point across the entire CRM cycle with Personalised Videos.

To start, we can set up an ongoing Personalised Videos campaign that is focused on growing and retaining revenue from existing customers. We can also help to acquire new customers from when they first visit a website and enquire about a product.

And once they have made their first transaction, we can send them an on-boarding message to, say, join a loyalty programme, receive free shopping, or even just help them to fully understand the product that they have just bought.

For more information about how your customers can benefit from Personalised Videos, contact