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Legal and General (L&G), a pension, investment and insurance solutions provider, was looking for a new way to deliver its annual pension benefit statements.

In partnership with VideoSmart, it did just that.

In order to simplify pensions and make use of a wider range of media types to increase engagement, VideoSmart delivered personalised video pension benefit statements to L&G’s members. Each video articulated an employees’ pension information in an easy-to-understand format, supported by personalised text, audio, scenes and subtitles.

Following on from the success of a pilot in December 2017, L&G is rolling out personalised videos across the member journey, for a range of clients.

We spoke to Andrea Ansell, Head of Marketing Services and the driving force behind video, to gain insight into why L&G introduced dynamic videos, her perception of our partnership and much more…

Q1. What’s Your Background?

I have over 10 years of experience in planning and leading integrated communications strategies, including high-profile brands such as Direct Line Group, Royal Bank of Scotland and Reeds Business Information. Financial marketing through and through.

Q2. Why Did You Consider Personalised Video Initially?

Ultimately because we needed a fun and engaging way to communicate with our members on a more personal level. Video seemed like a perfect opportunity to offer that personalisation and allow for additional interaction.

You hear a lot about video and how it helps engage people and it’s definitely becoming one of the key channels of media for communications. From my perspective, we absolutely needed to be in this space.

Q3. Have You Had Positive Responses To The Videos VideoSmart Have Created?

Absolutely. The pension benefit statement video is part of our overarching customer journey. We did an initial pilot in December and have since then conducted qualitative and quantitative research to see how the communication is being received.

The results have been amazing. We’ve seen the pension videos we developed alongside you become part of our communications strategy and BAU. To be honest, it’s performed better than we ever expected.

We’ve seen really good open rates, fantastic click-through rates and interestingly, despite some of these videos being a bit longer than we originally scoped, people are still so engaged, with over 90% of people viewing their video till the end.

Overall, it has performed a lot better than we initially anticipated.

Q4. Do You Feel Video Is Also A Good Tool To Get Future Clients Onboard?

Definitely. Some of the videos we’ve created have been key to the success in winning some pitches. It is such an engaging channel.

Our clients are really impressed by the way we’ve communicated to members in this way and I think the biggest thing that helps us in terms of driving ahead of competitors is that personalised video proves Legal & General are innovators.

It demonstrates that we care about our communications and we go the extra mile and ultimately, that’s what I am here to do; to ensure that we are providing clear and engaging communications, which is what our clients want to see.

Q5. How Has The Personalised Pension Video Been Received By Your Clients?

They have been so impressed. Some of the feedback has just been amazing. I think it’s the simplicity of the way video gets a message to a member.

We know that pensions can be quite complex and confusing and from the feedback we’ve received, it’s so positive which is clearly evident in the results that we’ve seen to date.

Q6. How Would You Describe Your Partnership With Videosmart?

Excellent. You have really helped us understand the landscape, you’ve helped us launch the video, and you’ve helped us with the beginning to end process.

You’ve also supported us in developing the future strategy, organising workshops, taking the expertise and understanding our needs.

All the work that you have done has been truly great. I can only describe it as excellent.

Q7. What Do You Think Is Most Important When It Comes To A Client/agent Relationship?

An understanding of the requirements and objectives of a client. VideoSmart have clearly understood what we need to achieve, the need for more engaging communications and you obviously offer the right solutions.

I also think that on a day to day basis, you are very professional but at the same time we all have a bit of a laugh. You’re very friendly and always willing to go the extra mile for us.

Q8. What Would You Like The Future To Include In Regards To The Relationship Between VideoSmart And L&G?

What video has done is show that we are innovators within our own industry. For me, it’s about making sure that we are ahead of competitors. I definitely think that with any new technology advancements, Legal & General need to be onboard.

I want to work with VideoSmart totally so you can make sure that we are fully aware of all the new services and products that you have to offer. For me, it’s about working together to drive continuous innovation.

Written by VideoSmart | Feb 17, 2021 12:00:00 AM

Legal and General (L&G), a pension, investment and insurance solutions provider, was looking for a new way to deliver its annual pension benefit statements.

In partnership with VideoSmart, it did just that.

In order to simplify pensions and make use of a wider range of media types to increase engagement, VideoSmart delivered personalised video pension benefit statements to L&G’s members. Each video articulated an employees’ pension information in an easy-to-understand format, supported by personalised text, audio, scenes and subtitles.

Following on from the success of a pilot in December 2017, L&G is rolling out personalised videos across the member journey, for a range of clients.

We spoke to Andrea Ansell, Head of Marketing Services and the driving force behind video, to gain insight into why L&G introduced dynamic videos, her perception of our partnership and much more…

Q1. What’s Your Background?

I have over 10 years of experience in planning and leading integrated communications strategies, including high-profile brands such as Direct Line Group, Royal Bank of Scotland and Reeds Business Information. Financial marketing through and through.

Q2. Why Did You Consider Personalised Video Initially?

Ultimately because we needed a fun and engaging way to communicate with our members on a more personal level. Video seemed like a perfect opportunity to offer that personalisation and allow for additional interaction.

You hear a lot about video and how it helps engage people and it’s definitely becoming one of the key channels of media for communications. From my perspective, we absolutely needed to be in this space.

Q3. Have You Had Positive Responses To The Videos VideoSmart Have Created?

Absolutely. The pension benefit statement video is part of our overarching customer journey. We did an initial pilot in December and have since then conducted qualitative and quantitative research to see how the communication is being received.

The results have been amazing. We’ve seen the pension videos we developed alongside you become part of our communications strategy and BAU. To be honest, it’s performed better than we ever expected.

We’ve seen really good open rates, fantastic click-through rates and interestingly, despite some of these videos being a bit longer than we originally scoped, people are still so engaged, with over 90% of people viewing their video till the end.

Overall, it has performed a lot better than we initially anticipated.

Q4. Do You Feel Video Is Also A Good Tool To Get Future Clients Onboard?

Definitely. Some of the videos we’ve created have been key to the success in winning some pitches. It is such an engaging channel.

Our clients are really impressed by the way we’ve communicated to members in this way and I think the biggest thing that helps us in terms of driving ahead of competitors is that personalised video proves Legal & General are innovators.

It demonstrates that we care about our communications and we go the extra mile and ultimately, that’s what I am here to do; to ensure that we are providing clear and engaging communications, which is what our clients want to see.

Q5. How Has The Personalised Pension Video Been Received By Your Clients?

They have been so impressed. Some of the feedback has just been amazing. I think it’s the simplicity of the way video gets a message to a member.

We know that pensions can be quite complex and confusing and from the feedback we’ve received, it’s so positive which is clearly evident in the results that we’ve seen to date.

Q6. How Would You Describe Your Partnership With Videosmart?

Excellent. You have really helped us understand the landscape, you’ve helped us launch the video, and you’ve helped us with the beginning to end process.

You’ve also supported us in developing the future strategy, organising workshops, taking the expertise and understanding our needs.

All the work that you have done has been truly great. I can only describe it as excellent.

Q7. What Do You Think Is Most Important When It Comes To A Client/agent Relationship?

An understanding of the requirements and objectives of a client. VideoSmart have clearly understood what we need to achieve, the need for more engaging communications and you obviously offer the right solutions.

I also think that on a day to day basis, you are very professional but at the same time we all have a bit of a laugh. You’re very friendly and always willing to go the extra mile for us.

Q8. What Would You Like The Future To Include In Regards To The Relationship Between VideoSmart And L&G?

What video has done is show that we are innovators within our own industry. For me, it’s about making sure that we are ahead of competitors. I definitely think that with any new technology advancements, Legal & General need to be onboard.

I want to work with VideoSmart totally so you can make sure that we are fully aware of all the new services and products that you have to offer. For me, it’s about working together to drive continuous innovation.