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Open Rates Soar For Capita's Omnichannel Campaign

Written by VideoSmart | Feb 17, 2021 12:00:00 AM

Capita take omnichannel approach using email, personalised video and downloadable statements

Engaging employees with their pensions or getting them to think about their retirement can be difficult. We receive a pension pack that is often 15-20 pages long, with many of us not getting past the first page.

Capita wanted to change this; they wanted to make pensions easy to understand and create a frictionless customer journey so that employees would think about their retirement. The objective: educate customers on the impact that contribution changes now could have on their future.

The Approach

In partnership with Capita, MBA Group and Videosmart set out to deliver an omni-channel user experience that leveraged email, personalised video and downloadable pdf statements.

The 2D personalised videos detailed each member’s annual benefit statement using variable text, voice and scenes.

All in all, the video had 16 points of personalisation, including name, contribution amounts, total account value, target retirement age and projected income in retirement, giving employees a clear, real-time view of their pension.

Using interactivity, employees were able to access their portal and/or download their statement as a PDF from video, providing each user with a seamless, integrated customer journey.

The Results

The results draw an interesting conclusion – maybe it is not that people are not engaged with their pensions but instead, not engaged with the way this information is being presented to them.

By providing this information via a personalised video, Capita’s client saw email open rates soar to 77% and unique click-throughs rise to 60%.

Of those who watched their video, 94% did so until the end and 100% of people clicked on a call-to-action within the video, with a large proportion downloading their statement and visiting the Atlas portal.

Perhaps most impressively of all, 100% of employees that viewed their video, went on to download their PDF statement to take a further look. There is no better testament to the power of personalised video than that.

“So quick and easy to understand – great!”

While the quantifiable results are impressive, the qualitative feedback is arguably even more so. See what some of them had to say below:

“The video was very informative and told me all that I needed to know”

“So quick and easy to understand – great!”

“It gives me real time value of my savings”

“I’ve already asked for an AVC (additional voluntary contribution) form!”

“I wouldn’t change a thing about this video – perfect length, easy to understand, and clear”.

And finally, a testimonial from Richard Solomon – Head of Operations at Capita:

“I have been extremely impressed with VideoSmart from start to finish, they controlled the whole development and kept us on track to deliver a great product to plan.

There were several times when we wanted to change the output and they bent over backwards to ensure they met our requirements, they also gave valuable advice on how things should be done which was a real value add.”

If you would like to discuss this campaign or find out more about our video solutions, please get in touch.