Blog | VideoSmart

Going Social – An Anglian Water Case Study

Written by VideoSmart | Jun 10, 2017 11:00:00 PM

Anglian Water started their personalised water meter campaign with VideoSmart in 2017 to encourage customers to switch to water meter billing.

With 45% open rates and 94% of videos viewed, the bitesize video got people’s attention. So much so, it has been rolled out across social media.

Creative Generic Video

With just a few minor tweaks to the creative, a generic video was born, which kept all the key messaging of the original video, but without the personalisation.

In just 45 seconds and with the support of subtitles, customers were informed about the benefits of switching, including potential savings and clear instructions on how to do so.

Mobile Optimized

As with all VideoSmart campaigns, the content was mobile optimized, ensuring that any user, anywhere, was able to consume it.

Anglian Water YouTube Most Viewed

Within just two weeks, the water meter video became the most viewed video on Anglian Water’s YouTube channel. What’s more, on Facebook, the views were in the thousands and people started tagging friends and relatives to inform them about the water and money saving campaign.

Targeted Marketing

In addition, targeting has been applied, so that only customers in certain regions are reached with the message. What most marketers do know is that when launching a social media campaign, a firm understanding of the audience you're hoping to reach is key.

Social Media Tailored Videos

This is just the start of social media tailored videos; the opportunities with regards to intelligent targeting are endless.

VideoSmart Targeted Video Campaigns

VideoSmart is able to reach the right audience at the right time through audience selection by using data readily available by Facebook.

Take a viewers’ location, age or relationship status and steer the content they see in accordance. In the case of Anglian Water, there is no doubt that video views will continue to rise when more locations throughout the East of England are targeted.

Simple and Short Message

Customers want to be informed with a simple and short message, and see only those which are relevant to them. With more users interacting with brands online, it is essential to target those who can benefit from seeing your message, and for your customers to engage with you.

Omni-Channel Approach

Gaining a broader audience pool through social media videos is a fantastic tool for lead generation and allows you to communicate with people you would not otherwise be able to.

Once on board, these new customers can then be added to the personalised and interactive video communications cycle. Now that’s an omni-channel approach.

The Winning Formula

What do you think? Could combining personalised and interactive video with bitesize social media videos be the winning formula in 2018?

To view Anglian Water’s smart meter video, click here.