Blog | VideoSmart

Let’s Finish What We Started

Written by VideoSmart | Jun 9, 2016 11:00:00 PM

We have become accustomed to all-encompassing services in so many aspects of our lives, so why would our marketing and CRM campaigns be any different? VideoSmart provides a solution with the UK’s only end-to-end Personalised Videos service.

Over 6 billion people have a mobile phone subscription. Within a short decade or so, these gadgets have become deeply integrated into the fabric of our daily lives.

We don’t go anywhere without them, we turn to them for any information we need, and we use them as an indispensable means of keeping in touch with family, friends, colleagues and everyone in between.

Customer Communication Management

With each device, comes a service provider. Through our chosen service providers, we first choose a package and a smartphone model.

We then pay for everything that is required to fulfil the now desperate and necessary functions provided by our smartphones.

Support from Service Providers

Should we require further information or in the event that something goes wrong, we turn to our service providers for support.

Now imagine a service provider in which very little was done in-house; provision of the phones themselves, payments and customer services were all outsourced by the company.

Picture the chaos. How long would it take you to receive your new phone? How confused would your bills become with multiple parties involved? How long would it take to resolve a problem?

Internal Communication

While this is not the case for telecoms, so many other services today are not end-to-end. This lack of internal communication can restrict the smooth operation of a process, while multiple parties can present mixed messages.

In such a scenario, a marketing campaign, for example, could become diluted and fragmented, resulting in a loss of time, and consequently, an increase in cost.

Of course, it does not have to be this way.

VideoSmart End-to-End Solution

VideoSmart provides the only end-to-end Personalised Videos service throughout the UK, thereby offering clients an all-encompassing service, in which everything is done with efficiency and ease.

When starting a new campaign, VideoSmart helps a client to establish the crux of their marketing message, their goals and long-term strategy.

Consultation Process

This consultation process also involves understanding the essence of a client’s brand and identity.

With this foundation in place, VideoSmart’s scriptwriters, videographers and producers then create a short film or animation in a style tailored specifically to the client.

Personalisation Begins

Upon completion of the production stage, personalisation begins. Using VideoSmart’s database of pre-recorded names, dates, numbers and more, together with a roster of voiceover artists for new recordings, data is applied to the master video.

With the master video in place, thousands of videos can be personalised to each and every recipient.

Multi-Channel Delivery

Once the client has decided how they want their videos to be sent, whether by text, email, direct message, or a combination of all three with multi-channel delivery, VideoSmart handles the rest. Being end-to-end, the process does not stop there.

Big data can be sent across to VideoSmart and updated on a weekly or even daily basis, thus keeping videos current and effective for each customer.

Constantly evolving customer data can even shape new variable content, helping clients to target each group with the most relevant information.

VideoSmart Dashboard

Finally, campaign analysis. This is provided in-house by VideoSmart, acting as a detailed and useful insights tool.

VideoSmart provides everything needed throughout its Personalised Videos service.

The result is a coherent marketing message, a user friendly process and results that are easy to identify and analyse.

If only everything was as smart as VideoSmart…

For more information about how your customers can benefit from Personalised Videos, contact