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RCI Financial Services’ achieve industry leading results using personalised video

Written by VideoSmart | Apr 10, 2019 11:00:00 PM

VideoSmart has launched a personalised on-boarding campaign for RCI Financial Services, in partnership with Gravity Global. The personalised video is sent to customers as part of their welcome journey after they take out car finance with RCI on 5 leading car brands – Nissan, Renault, Dacia, Alpine & Infiniti.

This video, created in slick 3D animation, includes 10 points of personalisation, including the customer’s name, payment date, payment amount and contract length. The campaign consists of a branded email, video page and video design, which is tailored to each car brand. What’s more, the owner’s new car features throughout the video as the main character, whizzing around the screen and reminding the customer of their new purchase.

The campaign, which has been set up as BAU, is deployed to customers via a branded email and drives them to a branded landing page where their personal video is hosted. The video includes an in-video clickable link that encourages customers to manage their agreement online. Customers are also able to download their full agreement directly from the landing page.

Revamping the RCI welcome journey

RCI recognised a need for improved engagement with their current welcome journey and a lack of brand awareness with RCI – the ‘silent’ finance provider behind each agreement. The idea was to use video as a more memorable way to convey important information and improve customer affinity with the organisation. More importantly, the goal was to allow customers to manage their agreement online and/or download their full agreement, in turn reducing print and call-centre costs.

Channel reversion: a digital first approach.

Although the approach was digital first, we know that not all customers prefer to receive information in this way and therefore a multi-channel communication strategy was essential. Through tracking, VideoSmart is able to identify which customers have not downloaded their agreement and can revert these customers to print via data automation.

The full automated workflow

As the campaign is ongoing, a workflow was put together on which data automation and processing is based. It goes as follows; on day 1, VideoSmart receives the customer data and accompanying PDF’s. The emails go out on day 2 which include a link to the personalised video and an option to download the PDF from the video page. Before the statement can be downloaded, the customer has to go through a branded authentication portal. Within the video, a call-to-action enables customers to register on each brand’s online portal to self-serve their agreement in the future, should they wish to do so. On day 5, all the statements that weren’t downloaded get sent to the printer – and received in the post. A truly multi-channel approach.

The results

The email open rate and click through results exceeded all stakeholder expectations. Across the brands, there is a 74% open rate and a 63% click through rate. What’s more, on average, 97% of videos are played to the end with a clicks after video rate of 130%. This means that many users click on more than one call-to-action which proves the campaign has a high customer engagement rate. Now for the piece de resistance – the channel reversion approach has enabled RCI to reduce print costs by 25% so far.

A final note

Personalised video and a multi-channel approach to marketing is the future. RCI were bold enough to get ahead of the curve by digitising and modernising its customer welcome journey and it has paid off. To find out more about personalised and interactive videos or other video marketing related services, please contact us below.