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Taking Personalisation To The Next Level With AI

Written by VideoSmart | Aug 13, 2017 11:00:00 PM

Personalised marketing, also known as one-to-one marketing, is a strategy to deliver individual messages and tailored product choices, based on demographics, purchase history and other data from consumers.

Personalisation can take many forms but the most well-known one starts with simply using a consumer’s name.

Consumers Prefer a Personal Touch

We as consumers prefer a personal touch, especially if it is used to help. Personalised e-mails are favoured by more than 80% of the public, according to eMarketer.

However, there is a fine line between using data to engage with a customer, and a customer feeling as though their privacy has been invaded.

In other words, it is important to create a message that speaks to an individual, resonates with their demands and wishes, but doesn’t feel pushy or intrusive.

Personalised Communications

In order to do this, data is needed, which presents a problem. How do you create a personalised message and product recommendation for a first-time buyer?

This is where artificial intelligence (AI) comes in. AI provides the opportunity to personalise communications on the spot, without a customer actually realising their message is being personalised.

Costumer Journey Example

In order to explain this, let’s look at an example.

A consumer is on a retailer’s website shopping for a new coat. Once the consumer clicks on the first image, the artificial intelligence analyses the image through hundreds of different vector points, and makes an alternative coat recommendation based on a visually similar picture.

Better Product Recommendations

With every picture the consumer clicks on, the AI scans new attributes such as colours, shapes and materials. This means that through every new click, the product recommendation becomes more personalised, without previous data or consumer log in.

In short, brands are now able to leverage consumer intent to better predict what content and products customers might want next. This lets marketers target more precisely by using behavioural analytics and audience data to inform deeper segmentation.

Personalised Videos Revolutionise the Customer’s Journey

Bringing artificial intelligence into websites is one thing, but what if AI could help create on-the-fly, personalised videos for each visitor?

The very idea of personalised videos revolutionises a customer’s purchase journey, and allows for new ways to create brand loyalty. Only the best product matches will be presented to the consumer, which is a win-win situation for both brand and buyer.

This is why progressive businesses have started integrating AI to predict what a consumer is after, before they even know it themselves.

The world of personalisation is only gathering speed, and now concepts like AI, which seemed so futuristic, are just on the horizon…and VideoSmart are keeping pace.

For personalised video solutions, contact VideoSmart at today.