4 Ways Videos Can Boost Company ROI

We’re halfway through 2019 and video continues to be the one of the most effective tools within a company’s marketing strategy. According to Hubspot, 81% of businesses use video as a marketing tool — up from 63% over the last year. What’s more, mobile video consumption rises by 100% every year (Insivia).

As consumers, we no longer scan generic advertisements; we look for storytelling. This is why video is no longer a nice-to-have, but a necessity for every company to stay relevant. And if you aren’t yet convinced, just think about this statistic; viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to 10% when reading it in text (Insivia).

The reason? Video combines audio and visual elements which captivate us. Or simply put, video brings the two things together that catch our attention; sound and movement.

But apart from our ability to digest video more quickly, an effective video strategy can massively boost ROI for any company. Here are 4 reasons why you should invest in video today.

1. Video can improve Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Video can improve SEO

According to research conducted by HubSpot, 65% of individuals visit a marketer's website after viewing a branded video.

A video can boost engagement with the product and stimulate traffic to the company’s website, thereby positively influencing Google ranking factors. In other words, the more traffic and clicks a video gets, the higher the ranking will be on a search engine.

Google’s machine learning is only getting better as it now recognises thousands of image elements within a video and catalogues relevant key words. As a matter of fact, Google’s algorithms now prioritise webpages with video content in search results.

To get the highest SEO, make sure to optimise videos and add relevant titles, subtext, descriptions and meta tags.

2. Video keeps people on webpages for longer

According to Forbes, the average person spends 88% more time on a website when it contains video than they do on a page with only images and text. This means adding video content to a website can increase the time spent on your website.

If you are unsure what content to create, an explainer video, vlog (video blog) or interview are examples of how to retain people’s attention.

When launching the video, we advise to create a landing page that serves one specific goal; for the visitor to watch the video and keep them on the page long enough for them to engage with the call-to-action.

3. Video leads to more conversions

Video leads more conversions

E-tailer StacksAndStacks.com reported that visitors were 144% more likely to purchase one of their houseware products after seeing a video.

As videos offer a more detailed description of the product or service, viewers are more likely to recall the message. They also tend to trust brands more which leads to higher conversions.

Nowadays, sales are generally more easily obtained through in-video clickable links and clickable tags.

Clicking on these links leads you straight to the page where the customer can purchase the product or enrol onto a service.

4. Video is more shareable

Video is more shareable

Social video gets 1200% more shares than text and image content combined, according to Wordstream data.

Video enables companies to tailor messaging towards their target audience, evoke an emotion and improve understanding. And when this happens, a consumer is more likely to share it with friends and followers.

What’s more, the length of the video is important to consider. A video is preferably no longer than 2 minutes. In order to create popular, shareable videos, our rule of thumb is to keep it short and keep it snappy.

Our final message

To conclude, video will improve your marketing, brand affinity and conversions.

If you’re considering video, why not take it to the next level by including personalisation or interactivity? 

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