85% Of Brits Don’t Understand Their Pension

In a recent study by Express (2017), 85% of all British workers surveyed said they ‘didn’t really understand’ how pensions worked and almost half said they had not given retired life much thought.
With such shocking statistics, pension scheme providers have a mighty task ahead of them to shed light on what a pension means for their members, and how they can make the most from their earnings.
Pension scheme communications should educate employees about their current contributions, what this means for them in retirement, and what they can do to improve what they earn later in life.
Social Media Interactions
And while there has been a rapid rise in social media interactions over the past decade, this has not been mirrored by a rise in internal communications - the practice of employers, pension scheme providers, employees and colleagues sharing information within an organisation.
Yet, surprisingly, The McKinsey Global Institute found that productivity improves by 20-25% in organisations with connected employees.
Effective Communication?
So why are companies not doing more to ensure clear internal comms? Effective communication is when a clear message is delivered through the appropriate channels and tailored to the audience. This can be anything from company policies to pension schemes and reward packages.
Poor internal communication can be extremely damaging, particularly when the main objective for the discipline is employee engagement. Engaging employees through internal communication is about leaving the member of staff informed, educated and/or inspired.
Personalised and Interactive Video
So, how can employers communicate pensions and other important information to their employees in an easy-to-digest, clear and concise way? Using personalised and interactive video.
VideoSmart’s Interactive Video Solution
Using this form of media, the personal details of staff’s pensions, rewards, benefits and other information can be explained in a simple 60-second video.
What’s more, using VideoSmart’s interactive video solution, employees can choose what they learn more about by using in-video clickable links to determine their user journey.
Personalised Relevant Information
This means that viewers are not forced to trawl through lengthy booklets – they are served only information that is relevant to them.
And should they want to understand something in more detail, they need only to click on the screen and a new scene will grant their wish.
Click play below to see a snapshot of VideoSmart 's internal communications personalised and interactive video demo.
The power of communication lies in keeping your audience involved in its evolution because it is their interaction and interest that will mean the difference between communication that is read by no one, and communication that can motivate entire workforces.
Whether you are in charge of pensions, work in HR, or simply see the need for improved internal comms, contact hello@videosmart.com for personalised and interactive video solutions.