Princess Cruises Personalised Video | Going On Cruise Control

Princess Cruises utilises personalised video to boost sale conversion rates by 500%.

Princess Cruises, one of the world’s leading cruise liners, is the latest forward-thinking brand to incorporate Personalised Videos into its marketing strategy, and the results speak for themselves.

Princess Cruises Personalised Video

Upon starting the VideoSmart campaign, Princess Cruises had three key objectives:

  • Re-engage customers that had not booked a trip with Princess for up to ten years
  • Evoke a sense of nostalgia amongst lapsed customers
  • Generate trip bookings

Throughout the personalised video, the individual details of a customer’s previous trip were conveyed, while also showcasing the very latest amenities that Princess Cruises has to offer.

Details about the individual’s membership level and its benefits were also given, to remind the customer just how valued they are.

In-video Clickable Call-to-action

Most interestingly, however, was the inclusion of an in-video clickable call-to-action, inviting the viewers to book a cruise there and then. And guess what? Plenty did.

In fact, sales were 500% higher than usual.

And those people who previously ignored their e-mails?
473% more of them paid close attention.

To find out more about this campaign and its results, click here now.

Embark on your own journey with Personalised Videos today by contacting us at

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