Why Do We Crave Customised Content?

Do you remember a time there was no personalisation? No personalised recommendations based on your likes and no search history on your social media platforms.

Hard to picture, right?


Personalisation has become part of our everyday life and, as it turns out, most of us prefer it that way. Econsultancy found that 74% of customers prefer personalised experiences, with personalisation referring to a communication that is relevant to you.

No one size fits all marketing, but marketing which makes you feel like your preferences and behaviours are taken into account.

So, the question is; why do we like it so much? Why is a key fob with your name on it so much more exciting than a generic one?

According to the University of Texas, it has to do with two key factors: desire for control and the information overload of modern day life.

Tailored Communications

Because when you receive communications tailored to you personally, it gives you a sense of control over what you are engaging with. This has a positive result on your psyche and makes you feel happier and more successful, according to Psychology Today.

Similarly, when you see content relevant to you, this gives a perception of a more manageable framework of facts. As a result, you don’t feel “overloaded” with information.

All of this has to do with the part of the brain called the reticular activating system (RAS). The RAS filters information that you want to focus on, and turns everything else into background noise.

Now here is an exciting insight. As it turns out, researchers have found that the RAS can be triggered by mentioning a person’s name. As Dale Carnegie, the author of How to Win Friends and Influence People, said: "Remember that a person's name is, to that person, the sweetest and most important sound in any language.”

The journal, Brain Research, explains that this is caused by a unique reaction in the brain. By mentioning someone’s name, the middle frontal cortex of the brain is triggered, which is associated with social behaviour, long-term memory and auditory processing.

Personalisation Increases Click-throughs

No matter how religious you are, you can’t ignore the science; and if the above mentioned facts are not able to convince marketers to adopt personalisation, then at least let the results be your persuader.

With personalisation increasing click-throughs by up to 500% and sale conversion rates by the same, there really is no other option. 

Marketing Strategy

Personalisation is easy to apply to any marketing strategy and has been adopted by marketers for years. Personalisation within an interactive video, however, is the next level.

Want to know how your brand could benefit from personalised and interactive storytelling?


To find out more about personalised and interactive videos or other video marketing related services, please contact us below

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