Secure Innovation, it’s a survival strategy. Why financial data protection fuels growth.

As companies race to stay ahead in a digital landscape underpinned by rapidly evolving technology, there's one crucial factor that can't be ignored: security. Without it, innovation is just a house of cards waiting to collapse.

The recently introduced Digital Innovation and Smart Data Bill (DISD Bill) reflects this reality. Its goal is to ensure secure data handling and the effective use of smart data for economic growth and improved service delivery. Financial institutions, which handle vast amounts of sensitive data, from account numbers to transaction details, must implement robust security measures to protect against unauthorised access and misuse.

But data protection in finance, or any industry, isn't just about compliance; it's a key driver of innovation. By prioritising security, companies can create an environment of trust, encouraging collaboration and creativity. At VideoSmart, we firmly believe that the best innovation is secure innovation, because in finance, innovation should never come at the expense of consumer trust.

To explore how security drives innovation, we quizzed some of the VideoSmart leadership team, Leilah Aintaoui and Claudio Batista.

Leilah Aintaoui, Digital Growth Director of MBA Group

Leilah Aintaoui, Digital Growth Director of MBA Group.

When VideoSmart was first founded, how much emphasis was placed on security from the very beginning and why?

Security has been a cornerstone of our business since day one. From the beginning, we've prioritised robust data protection measures to ensure our clients' data is handled with the utmost care and confidentiality. Our commitment to security isn't just about compliance; it's about building trust and delivering peace of mind, knowing that their data is in safe hands.

How has our commitment to secure innovation helped differentiate VideoSmart in the martech space and contributed to our success, especially for clients in highly regulated industries like financial services?

Our commitment to secure innovation has been a key differentiator in the video technology space, particularly for clients in highly regulated industries. By incorporating the latest in security into every aspect of our solutions, we not only meet but often exceed industry standards. This approach has allowed us to build deep trust with our clients, who rely on us to protect sensitive data while delivering cutting-edge solutions. This trust has been instrumental in our success, as clients know they can count on us to innovate securely, helping them stay competitive without compromising compliance or security.

Personalised Video for Financial Services

How do we communicate our security practices and measures to our Financial Services customers to build trust and assurance? 

We believe that transparency is key to building trust. That’s why we provide up to date and transparent documentation, regular security audits, penetration tests and dedicated briefings to our clients. By providing detailed insights into our security measures, from encryption protocols to data access controls, we ensure they understand how we protect their sensitive information. This open approach builds the trust and assurance they need to confidently partner with us.

Claudio Batista, Head of Technology at VideoSmart.

Claudio Batista, Head of Technology at VideoSmart.

How is sensitive customer data, especially financial data, protected during video creation, storage, and transmission? 

At VideoSmart, protecting sensitive data is a multi-layered process that uses a combination of techniques, stringent processes, and rigorous controls to guarantee all sensitive data is secure.

We start with only using the essential data, discarding anything unnecessary and ensuring accurate mapping and thorough validation. Once data becomes part of a video, we lock it down tight and when it's time for your video to move, we protect its transmission with a digital bodyguard (encryption) that stays with it throughout its journey.

To support these measures, we provide annual training for all employees, including a mandatory assessment to ensure that every employee applies the required controls in their daily roles. We also conduct annual audits to ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

Personalised Video for Financial Services

How does VideoSmart balance innovation with security in our platform’s development?

Balancing innovation and security is at the heart of our development philosophy. At VideoSmart, we’ve created a development lifecycle that integrates both aspects seamlessly. Here’s how we strike that balance:

Our approach combines security measures with agile development practices. We've implemented a comprehensive system of checks and balances, including regular code reviews and automated testing, to catch potential issues early. A series of continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines incorporate automated vulnerability scanning ensuring that security is consistently maintained without slowing down innovation and as we push the boundaries of what's possible with video marketing, we're also maintaining the highest standards of data protection.

VideoSmart Dashboard

As for the future, how do you see security shaping martech innovation? What emerging trends are we preparing for?

The increase in regulations related to data privacy and protection is reshaping the future of martech innovation.  

Just in last few months, operating systems and browsers have implemented increasingly strict measures to limit the amount of information shared between consumers and the websites they visit, pushing the industry towards explicit consent models and first-party data strategies. This shift is challenging traditional marketing practices but also driving new creative thinking in how we engage with consumers.

Looking ahead, AI and machine learning will become central in martech evolution. These technologies will enhance data analysis, predictive modelling, and personalisation, enabling deeper insights and more tailored customer experiences.


The future of financial martech is being reshaped by an increasing focus on data privacy and security. As regulations tighten and consumers demand greater control over their data, businesses that innovate responsibly, will foster stronger, trust-based relationships with consumers while delivering more effective marketing solutions.

At VideoSmart, we’re not just ready for the future, we’re leading the way. By embedding security into every step of our process, we deliver cutting-edge video solutions to our clients without ever compromising on data protection.


Want to dive deeper into financial services innovation? Download our recent whitepaper where we laid the groundwork for navigating upcoming legislative changes in financial services marketing.

Get your copy here. 


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