Digital Trends To Look Out For In 2018

What a year 2017 was. In terms of digital trends, we saw the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), smart products such as Amazon’s Alexa, and it seems that augmented reality (AR) will land even more this year.

Personalisation in Communications

We saw marketers around the world embracing personalisation in communications, and warming up to interactivity – allowing the consumer to take the drivers’ seat.

So how can you keep on surprising your customers in 2018? What are the digital trends to look out for? 

Here’s the scoop from VideoSmart.

Further adaptation of AR

Industry experts expect that our mobile devices will become more powerful as our social apps better integrate with AR.

The possibilities keep growing as AR sponsored content can be accessed on the spot at any time. Looking for a pair of pink stilettos that you saw in a magazine? Scan it with your phone and find out where to get them.

Pokémon Go pioneered with AR, and now it’s up to brands and social media platforms to take it even further.

Digital transformation of healthcare

No, we don’t mean the rise of Fitbits or other health trackers. We are thinking something bigger. Delivering telemedicine through augmented reality and cloud-connected aids.

Why? To enable real-time connections between medical professionals and patients for very specific health needs.

The possibilities of connecting patients and healthcare professionals through telehealth are endless; and interactive video can play a huge role in this.

Growing importance of mobile devices and video

Shopping, advertisement, video. All three will be increasingly consumed through mobile content online. Cisco has researched that video will count for 82% of all consumer internet traffic by 2021 and live video will grow to account for 13% of this.

In order to stand out amongst other brand messages, personalisation remains a priority. The Digital Marketing Institute revealed that 51.9% of marketing professionals worldwide point at video as creating the best ROI.

What’s more, 43% of global internet users want to see more video content. As video offers a powerful storytelling platform for brands, and as personalisation provides a unique way to form relationships with potential and existing customers, we aren’t too surprised.

AI and Chatbots

Artificial intelligence (AI) enables marketers to take user web-browsing behaviour information and use it in their marketing efforts. AI has already changed industries.

Let’s, for example, take tourism. Remember when you had folders and binders on desks, telling you where to eat, what you should see, and all other ins and outs of your chosen destination?

Today, you can find this all through AI-powered apps or in the form of an e-concierge. Voice-activated chatbots can open curtains, set alarms, order breakfast and more.

Chatbots are the future in communication for companies around the globe. What’s more, virtual video tours and interactive video are a fundamental part of this.

Personalisation, Interactive User Journeys and Video

In some ways, the trends in 2018 are just taking the trends of 2017 a step further. Where 2017 was a testing ground for the abovementioned, 2018 will solidify these into business as usual for a lot of companies.

As the world of digital progresses, decision-makers are less tentative about adopting these practices.

Marketers are taking more notice of the noise around personalisation, interactive user journeys and video. And in 2018, they won’t just listen, they’ll do.

Whatever your business objectives this year, take an omni-channel approach to communications. Because if you don’t, your competitor will.

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