Getting Up To Speed With Personalised Video

Despite technological advancement touching most aspects of our lives, communications remain largely archaic. Finally, however, there is another way: personalised videos provide the engagement and individuality we seek, in line with the values that we have come to expect.

A great deal has happened over the past decade. Technological advancements have pushed forward new frontiers, enabling humankind to achieve the seemingly unachievable and propelling us into the digital age.

With the vehement rise of social media and the influx of big data, the very nature of our interactions with one another have been transformed. Consequently, so have our needs and expectations.

Consumers Demand Engagement

Nowadays, as consumers, we demand value, we demand engagement and we demand that our individuality is acknowledged.

Cross Platform Communication

With so much knowledge and power at our fingertips, we have become fully aware of the mundane generality that corporates continue to thrust upon us. Thus, we have grown tired and bored of one-sided interactions with the brands that play such big roles in our daily lives.

With our friends and family, we send each other images, videos, messages, audio recordings and even emojis, instantly and daily. We communicate through various forms and on various platforms, in what has become the new norm.

Times have Changed

Yet when it comes to the contact we have with insurance companies, banks, travel agencies and big brand entities, communications remain generic, flat and uninspiring. In this respect, the world of business is still lagging very far behind.

Perhaps it is because many believe that the traditional format of letters and emails still works. And yes, it does still work. Yet so do typewriters and fax machines. Times have changed; technology offers us new and exciting ways to do the things we have always done – but better.

VideoSmart - Personalised Videos

While some companies remain stuck in the past or are only willing to embrace change in a piecemeal fashion, for those that wish to step into the future and honour the individuality of each person they interact with, there are Personalised Videos.

VideoSmart enables companies to send out millions of videos to their end-users instantly. And incredibly, each video is entirely different and unique to the recipient.

Instead of opening an email with a block of text that most readers will skim through or simply forget about, a video instead appears - capturing the attention of the viewer, successfully engaging with them, and communicating via a medium in which they are more likely to retain information.

Interact with Clients in a natural way

Through personalised videos, companies are able to interact with their clients in a natural way that conveys a message directly and without dilution.

As a result, their clients feel involved, and significantly, they feel that their individual needs are being considered and met.

As consumers today, we want personalisation; yet this stretches far beyond the products and services we purchase, it encompasses all aspects of communication as well.

For more information about how your customers can benefit from Personalised Videos, contact

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