Leveraging Customer Data Is A Must, Not A Maybe

A shocking 87% of companies claim data to be their organisation’s most underutilised asset, according to Teradata. That's a pretty surprising statistic, considering 100% of companies want to provide a great customer experience.

Want another big statistic? 86% of consumers say that personalisation using said customer data plays a role in their purchasing decisions.

It makes perfect sense. By showing your customers that you recognise their behaviours, likes, and dislikes, you’re opening the door for stronger brand affiliation, loyalty and ultimately, conversion to sale rates.

Consumers Expect More

2017 is just round the corner, and with each passing year, consumers expect more and more from the companies they associate themselves with.

Is your competitor sending personalised e-mails or tracking purchase behaviours to inform their marketing communications? I reckon so, too. And so they should. The only way to keep ahead of this, is by going above and beyond.

And that is where personalised video comes in.

You expect the people who care about you to know your preferences and hobbies, so why should brands you pay for be any different? 

70% of Consumers Expect Personalisation

We’ve entered a marketing era where 70% of consumers expect personalisation in e-mail communications. You can't disappoint them all.

Step into 2017 with confidence by leveraging your customers' data. There's little other option.

For more information about how your customers can benefit from Personalised Videos, contact hello@videosmart.com

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