2017 New Year's Resolutions For Marketeers

Do you make New Year’s Resolutions?

Did you know that people who make resolutions are 10 times more likely to achieve those goals than people who don’t make them. With odds like that, wouldn't it make complete sense for you to make company resolutions, too?

But, resolutions should be SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely.

5 New Year's Resolutions

To help you along, we have put together 5 New Year's Resolutions for you, the marketeer.

1) I will include video in my content marketing strategy

It's no secret that video content and story-telling is expected to be the biggest marketing phenomenon in 2017. 

It’s been proven that a video can significantly increase conversion rates, so stop waiting and start doing - video isn't going anywhere. 

2) I will not distribute content I would not want to read and share

This year, always ask yourself: if you were a consumer and came across the piece of content you’re about to publish, would you share it with your own audience? If not, then don't send it. Producing recipient-relevant and dynamic content is the only way to stick to this resolution.

3) I will focus on quality, not quantity

This year, quit sending multiple customer communications to get your client's attention. Provide them with easy-to-understand, useful content, which is sent out sparingly, and this one's easy.

4) Add a call to action to the end of every piece of content

Because while you don’t want to bombard people with sales pitches, it is okay to ask them if they’re ready to move to the next step.

This one's too straightforward for someone like you, so let's spice it up. In 2017, add a sexy call-to-action to your content - like a clickable link, or an interactive video. By ramping your call-to-actions up a gear, you're guaranteed to get the customer's attention.

5) I will personalise content for my customers

Because this is the single best way to maintain high levels of engagement and increase conversion rates.

Serving relevant content to your prospects and clients is a proven, successful marketing trend. Needless to say, personalisation should be on your marketing radar for 2017, if it somehow missed your 2016 agenda.

Let us know if you have any other marketing resolutions for the upcoming year, we would love to hear about them. And good luck in sticking to them all - the odds are in your favour!

Happy New Year!

From the team at VideoSmart

To find out more about VideoSmart, contact hello@videosmart.com or call us on 020 8376 4455 today.

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